The Board is responsible for the overall corporate governance of the Company, and it recognises the need for the highest standards of ethical behaviour and accountability. The Board is committed to administering its Corporate Governance structures to promote integrity and responsible decision-making.
In accordance with the recommendations of the ASX, information published on the Company’s web site includes charters of the Board and its subcommittees, codes of conduct and other policies and procedures relating to the board and its responsibilities. To the extent that they are relevant to the organisation, the Company has adopted the Eight Corporate Governance Principles and Best Practice Recommendations as published by the ASX Corporate Governance Council.
Corporate Governance
- Constitution
- FY24 Corporate Governance Statement
- FY24 Modern Slavery Statement
- 2023-2024 WGEA Gender Equality Reporting
Board Charters
- Audit & Finance Committee Charter
- Board Charter
- Exploration & Growth Committee Charter
- People & Culture Committee Charter
- Risk & Sustainability Committee Charter
Additional Policies
- Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Continuous Disclosure Policy
- Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility Policy
- Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Minimum Shareholding Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Securities Trading Policy
- Shareholder Communication Policy
- Whistleblower Policy